Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Well, today I decided to start a blog about my everyday journey's with Weight Loss Surgery. I am so glad to of found a great friend at the beginning of my journey. Without her I don't know where I would be with all this today. I would be lost without her and not know what the heck I was doing.

So thank you Lori for being there and my angel from the start.

I started to get fat at the age of 14yrs old. Not that big but started. I didn't start gaining a lot of weight until AFTER high school when I got real lazy. Then I had a rough first year of marriage and ate my way through it. After that came having kids which all us women know that is hard enough on our bodies as it is. I started to loose weight really good after my first child as I was still pretty young being only 23yrs old. Again rough times through life and keeping my marriage alive and working through all the hard times. Then I got pregnant with my 2nd child at the age of 25 that came along with health problems as I weighed in at 265lbs. I managed to stay that weight the entire time I was pregnant and only lost 15lbs when my child was born.

I started to loose a good amount of weight until I went for a consultation for a breast reduction and was shot down because i was so heavy. That's when I put on the most weight in a short amount of time. I gained 40lbs and put my weight at 290lbs. I am only 5'7" tall. So that's when I decided to start doing something about it. I was watching what I was eating, and trying to think positive as things got rough around my life. (My story for the the past couple years would be an entire novel!) That's when I talked to my Dr. and begged to have another option as I could not shed even one pound through all of it. So I easily got depressed and gave up on the diet. I never got more then 290lbs. My body seemed to just stop gaining thank goodness!!!!

In July I started my weight loss journey with WLS Options through Kaiser Permanente...............

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